
An eye-catching design tempts visitors to look at your website; a site that works well encourages the visitor to stay and explore. Successful sites are intuitive and easy to use, encouraging first-time visitors to return, and to recommend it to others.

The look and feel of a website is created through visual and functional designs. The Visual design creates samples of how pages on a site could look when implemented. Functional design is the process of creating the structure of the site, how visitors get from place to place, find what they are looking for, and what happens when they get there. At Webcal we can design the site for you from start to finish, or work with your own designs and concepts to create your website.

Artist blacksmith Melissa Cole came to us with a design concept in mind; we worked with Melissa to realise that concept to deliver

The Open Studios Scheme have been successfully producing their printed Directory of Artists for 23 years. When they decided to have a website it had to mirror that Directory as closely as possible. The result includes content-management for electronic publishing to create the printed document and the website from the same source, saving time, cost, and ensuring consistency.

07774 291892
20 Sanderling Drive